Posts tagged: camouflage

Snow for Thanksgiving

Hello Mo fans!

snow camouflage

We had a nice dusting of snow for Thanksgiving, so pretty watching it fall and transform the landscape.  This was likely the first time Miss Nimbus had seen snow, and I saw her shaking her paws.  With her white coat it turned her into the camouflage kitty.

After a lovely Thanksgiving dinner with family, I was home on the sofa watching TV with a furry fake leopard throw blanket on my lap.  Mo came by to purr and be petted on the lap.  Soon it was the turn for Nims, who was being extra affectionate.  After walking along the back of the sofa purring and rubbing up against my head, she settled in for some lap time herself.  Hah, Mr Mo, who is now on the floor, gets jealous and stands up on his back legs to swat her twice, trying to shoo her away.  I made him desist, but he came back a little later, noting my now reclining pose, he took the shoulder spot, and there I was, with a blanket and two cats keeping me toasty.  A festival of felines, a pile of purrieness.  Snow always makes me thankful to be warm.

snow falling softly